La reVista

Student Success' Admissions team has a new crew helping students. While there are still a few familiar faces, the majority of the team is new. They are:

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La reVista

Living the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” created by the late Stephen R. Covey is not always easy. In this space, the goal is to remind you to put your training from the “7 Habits” to use.

If you haven't yet signed for the training, there's classes available in February. Go to Alamo Learn in ACES to sign up. 

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La reVista

Living the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” created by the late Stephen R. Covey is not always easy. In this space, the goal is to remind you to put your training from the “7 Habits” to use.

If you haven't yet signed for the training, there's classes available in February. Go to Alamo Learn in ACES to sign up. 

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