February 14, 2014 | SharkAdmin [image 1]The February All College meeting, hosted by Interdisciplinary Disciplines, had a Winter Olympics theme, complete with gold medals and international flags. NVC President Jackie Claunch kicked off the meeting addressing important NVC benchmarks that need to be improved. The college scored just 34.5 in the “Clear Academic Plan and Pathway” category while other colleges scored about 47.7. She said some initiatives to improve this category includes creating a clearer picture of graduation for students and figuring out how employees can make it less confusing for students [image 2]Jackie also discussed the proposed EDUC 1300 (Learning Framework) initiative proposed to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. NVC is considering all possible outcomes and coming up with several plans to support the implementation of EDUC 1300 in the fall of 2014. It is still unclear where the course will reside and how soon it will need to be rolled out. Faculty Craig Coroneos announced NVC will start a student government association. He said NVC is the only college without such an organization for students. Applications are currently being accepted through March 7. [image 3]Lawrence Lawrence announced Instructional Development and Distance Learning staff recently developed a new collection of resources in Canvas, the Alamo Colleges learning management system. “Faculty Resources” is a repository that contains more than 60 pages, each with a straightforward purpose, screen shots, links, or samples. It is available to all faculty at any time, without logging in. Jackie also reminded everyone about the Dollars for Scholars text campaign. All you have to do is text “VISTA” to 20222 and be sure to confirm back with “YES” and $10 will be added to your cell phone bill. Celebrations: [image 4]Pat Fontenot of Workforce Education & Training awarded two Workforce Coins to Julio Garcia, a Human Resources partner at Petco. The retailer partnered with Workforce to provide leadership training to Petco employees; and to Panda Express for providing meals to Workforce's annual dinner for St. Joseph-St. Peter Children's Home in San Antonio. Susan Palmer of the Fine & Performing Arts & Kinesiology department received the Administrative Assistant's award. To see the Power Point from the All College meeting, click on link: [file 1]