Recognition for NVC Recruitment Team

On Feb. 18, the Northwest Vista College Recruitment Team was recognized by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics at a private reception.

The event was to honor San Antonio leaders for their commitment to expanding and supporting educational outcomes and opportunities for Hispanics.  

The 25th anniversary of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics was celebrated last September. To commemorate this historic occasion, the initiative representatives announced over 230 Bright Spots in Hispanic Education and 150 Commitments to Action across the country helping close the achievement gap by increasing educational outcomes and opportunities for Hispanic students. The NVC College Connection program (that the NVC Recruitment Team takes to high schools) was one of the Bright Spot Award winners. A few months ago, Congressman Joaquin Castro mentioned Northwest Vista on the White House floor. Read more here.

The reception was hosted by Univision San Antonio, San Antonio College, and San Antonio Education Partnership at the Scobee Education Center. Special guests from the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics were Alejandra Ceja, the program's executive director, and Jaqueline Cortez Wang, the program's senior advisor.