August 7, 2013 | SharkAdmin Concourse (the new e-syllabus) is HERE! Starting this fall, all syllabi will be completed online using a new tool called Concourse. This tool is far easier to use than the previous e-syllabus tool, and training will be available for all faculty is available online. Here's some more good news: Concourse is easy to use. (Really.) Much of the syllabus information is uploaded from Banner. College-specific and department-specific information will be preloaded by academic admins such as chairs, coordinators, and department schedulers. You can easily copy and paste information from a Word document. You can load your contact info and c.v. to your profile and then add it to your syllabus with a single click. You can easily copy from one syllabus to another. To get started, please log into ACES, click the Employee tab, and look for the links to Enter Concourse and for the Intro to Concourse Training in the upper right corner. I have also developed a very similar training guide specifically for NVC faculty. It contains the same information but just a few more NVC-specific resources and examples. It is a public course available on the Soft Chalk Cloud: Contributed by Laura Lawrence of Distance Learning