Goals for Fiscal Year 2015

At the Oct. 10 Bragging Breakfast meeting, I briefly talked about my goals and priorities for the upcoming year. In case you missed it, here's a snapshot of my eight priorities. I look forward to working with the NVC community on achieving them and getting your input.

1)    Complete compliance report and submit for reaffirmation for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

2)    Collaboratively work with faculty, staff and student leadership to develop a strategic plan for 2015-18 which fully aligns with Alamo Colleges' strategic plan. 

3)    Implement strategies designed to improve NVC's Community College Survey of Student Engagement domain scores to above the national norms with specific emphasis on active and collaborative learning and academic challenge. 

4)    As co-chair of the Alamo Colleges Faculty Evaluation Committee, successfully complete the Faculty Evaluation Pilot in preparation for full implementation in the fall of 2015. 

5)    Based on historical institutional data and Ad Astra analysis, reengineer the spring 2015 course schedule to best serve students. 

6)    Collaboratively work with the North Side Independent School District to enhance the quality of academic programming, the diversity and number of students participating in dual credit programming. 

7)    In conjunction with Alamo Colleges, identify and implement a skills assessment in an effort to align NVC graduate profiles with expressed business and industry needs in far West San Antonio. 

8)    Establish a Veterans’ Resource Center and lounge to afford NVC’s more than 3,000 veterans and their dependents with a focal college location from which NVC will provide information, advisement and a link to one-on-one assistance for veterans (Vet to Vet Program) seeking to enhance their future through higher education.