Iraqi Women Exhibit at NVC

Iraqi Women of Three Generations: Challenges, Education, and Hopes for Peace an Exhibit of Images and Stories by Sister Martha Ann Kirk, Th.D. and Sister Patricia Madigan, Ph.D.

The exhibit will take place in the Lago Vista room of the Cypress Campus Center from Feb. 5 to Feb. 25.

Stories of Iraqi women’s resilience, courage, and compassion which can encourage understanding and healing across cultures and religions. Six years after the 1988 massacres of over 150,000 people in Northern Iraq, Turkish Muslims quietly began schools to give children hope and promote peace.

The exhibit is appropriate for classes in literature, history, political science, philosophy, psychology, sociology, education, environmental science, leadership development, art, and photography. To arrange a discussion for your class, contact Sister Martha Ann Kirk [email protected] or call her at 829-3854.