June 16, 2016 | SharkAdmin “…Continuing on is the challenge that will be more rewarding then you can imagine.” Jeremiah graduated from Northwest Vista College in 2012 with an Associate of Applied Science in Digital Media. He also earned a Marketable Skills Achievement Award in Web Design and a Certificate of Completion in Digital Media. Currently, Jeremiah works at Northwest Vista College in the Dual Credit area, where he helps high school students enroll in college courses so they can earn both high school and college credit. Jeremiah knows that education is a lifelong process and he plans to pursue another degree in the near future. Transitioning from a student to an employee can be challenging but Jeremiah’s experience was positive. He says that the atmosphere at NVC makes for a welcoming learning experience for students and employees. He encourages students to never give up because of a bad grade or wrong decision. Jeremiah says, “Continuing on is the challenge that will be more rewarding than you can imagine.” Favorite Vista Values: Synergy, Creativity and Integrity