Psychology Day: A Day of Learning & Fun

[image 1]The annual Psychology Day at Northwest Vista College again gave an opportunity to Psychology students to experiment on fellow students.

The Cypress Campus Center patio was filled with student teams conducting surveys, putting on activities and handing out information. Many of the survey topics and activities ranged from sex, gender, to social stereotypes.

The NVC Psychology department gave out two $500 scholarships.

Also a group of former NVC alumni, along with the help of NVC's “Dr. Don” Lucas presented a workshop on sex education in America, titled “Human Sexuality Education in America Today: Myth, Oxymoron, or Real?”

[image 2]The alumni drove home the point that sex education needs to be taught earlier in the school system and at home. They said by the time most students are learning about it in school or at home, it may be too late. The presenters were Callie Roberts, Gerona Nylander and Melany Higdon. 

To see more pictures from the event, go to the NVC Facebook page here.