Steven Kolnes

Steven Kolnes
Teaching Learning Facilitation (TLF)
Computer Support Technician

At the young age of 26, Steven Kolnes is already a veteran at Northwest Vista College. He became familiar with the campus about 11 years ago as a volunteer. While he has moved up to a full-time position, he says what keeps him here is the community feeling he gets at NVC.

“I love the fact that even on the worst days I still look forward to coming to work. I enjoy seeing the faculty and staff that I’ve been fortunate enough to cultivate working relationships with and I love the fact that people care about each other here. I think I’d be hard pressed to find a more enjoyable working environment than here at NVC.”

What is your background?

“I was born in California and grew up moving all over the Southwest before finally settling down in San Antonio when I was about 8 or 9 years old. I spent much of my time reading and playing puzzle/strategy games especially chess and Tetris. By high school, I began tinkering with discarded electronics as well as acting but ultimately I prefer what goes on behind the scenes.”

What is your educational background?

“I began taking classes at Northwest Vista since the fall of 2004 after graduating from high school. Unfortunately though, I’ve changed my major so many times I have yet to complete my associate’s degree but plan on completing it before the spring.”

Where did you work prior to NVC?

“I’ve been part of the NVC family since I was 15 years old volunteering with the kids’ camps in the summer. While in high school and my first year in college, I worked as an assistant manager at Schlotzsky’s Deli. My first year in college, I actually had three jobs at any given point in time.”

What is the best part about working at NVC?

“I love watching the campus grow. I remember before Pecan Hall was built wandering in the woods between classes and now seeing how we’ve expanded both physically and as a college community. It’s astounding.”

What is the most rewarding part about your job?

“Assisting students and faculty. Seeing the difference one person makes every day is worth the effort. Whether it’s helping a student find their way across campus, fixing a projector or finding information for an individual, it’s the small things that really make a difference in someone’s day.”

What are your hobbies, interests, favorite activities?

“I’m a huge nerd. I’ve been collecting DC comics for years and also play a few TCG (or trading card games). My favorite comic book character is the Joker from 'Batman' and I’ve dressed as him for comic conventions, movie premiers, and Halloween. I’m also a bit of a movie snob.”

What NVC core value best describes you (joy, diversity, caring, synergy, etc)?

“I would say creativity is the value I most embody. I remember watching 'Peewee’s Playhouse' and seeing the machine he used to create breakfast and realized at that moment that there is no single 'right way' to do anything. Ever since I’ve tried looking at problems from angles most other people wouldn’t consider.”

Do you have a personal motto that you live by?

“All things in life require balance. There can be no bloom without rain, no order without chaos, no comedy without tragedy. If you remove the lows, you can have no highs and life would cease to be wonderful and invigorating; life must be experienced as a whole.”