The Red Eye Crew: Destiny Harper-Lane

The Red Eye Crew is a brave group of instructors who teach at 6:30 am. Below is one of the members of this fearless group. In case you have never been on campus this early, here's a bit of what you will experience:

If you have insomnia some mornings…or the dog wakes you up, and you end up on campus early, walk over to Mountain Laurel Hall, specifically the southeast wing of the first floor.

Your senses will be engaged. The smell of some fresh-brewed Folgers, Maxwell House, or some specialty blends percolating in two coffee pots in the MLH 101B kitchen. There is also a good chance that in one of those rooms pastries can be had. Grab a cup of Joe and a bear claw and have a seat in the hallway and just listen to NVC at 6:30 am. What will you hear? What will you see? First off, you will notice there are over 100 students in that wing, which is the busiest place on campus that early. 

Contributed by The Red Eye Crew Leader Gary Bowling

Destiny Harper Lane [image 2]Coordinator for New Student Orientation and the Welcome Center 

How long have you been teaching at 6:30 am?
Since Aug 24, 2015!

What do you like the most about teaching at this time?
It’s fun teaching SDEV and EDUC and being able to connect further with students that were in my orientation classes. While I found this time to be an adjustment at first, I now appreciate being better connected to students before the full work day begins. I love the opportunities to help them with enrollment questions or be there for support if they need to vent. We are able to accomplish a lot and create some great solutions — all before 8 am! This also helps students better identify where they need to go for support and to be there EARLY enough to beat the rush and go about their day.

What would you change?
It’s challenging to prep for my course when last-minute changes occur. If the day before is too hectic to make copies or follow up on a detail, I often come in at 5:30 am or 6 am to get things together. Makes for a long day, but at least the parking is great!

How early do you have to get up to be ready to teach?
I typically get up at 5:25 am to get ready, make some coffee, and be out the door by 6 am. Luckily, I live close so even on my bad days, I can easily be here by 6:20 am.

How long have you been at NVC?
I’ve served at NVC since January 2015 

Any other details you want to provide about you or the Red Eye Crew? 
It takes a brave, dedicated soul to be a part of the R.E.C., but with the help of our fearless leader and a hot pot of coffee, anything is possible! It’s been a brilliant learning experience for me and I look forward to improving my craft to be even more effective for this unique time/population next year!